Dog Blog by BombBullie

Adventures in Bull Terrier ~ Summer Love in Carlsbad, CA

Homer and Hera had a most excellent week in sunny Carlsbad, California. While they are still adjusting to apartment life, they have definitely caug...

Adventures in Bull Terrier - Year's Best Weekend Reunion

Homer helped rid the world of yet another California Breakfast Burrito at the beach with dad today while I got to sleep in with the Her-Bear. Upon waking, Hera licked away the shower I just gave her... about 3 times. Daddy got home with a full, tired Homer who slept for a record 10 minutes before catching his 10th wind and resuming his left-side-only-tail-chasing spin down the hallway...

Adventures in Bull Terrier ~ Wakey Wakey Time w/ Homer

When Homer wakes up and is ready to one sleeps! Love this Bullie to the moon and back! 

Adventures in Bull Terrier ~ Homer & Hera Chronicles!

These are how most of our walks go...Hera putting on a show. :)